Officers Recruitment 2016 Economic Census - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tangerang Municipality

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Officers Recruitment 2016 Economic Census

Officers Recruitment 2016 Economic Census

January 4, 2016 | Other Activities

In connection with the implementation of the Economic Census will be in May 2016 by BPS Tangerang City informed that in January 2016 we will recruit field staff Economic Census . As the terms are as follows :
1. The officer is required to make a cover letter addressed to the Head of BPS Tangerang City
2. Minimum high school education or equivalent
3. Tough, honest , able to work and be responsible
4. Domicile Tangerang City area prioritized in the territory of the concerned districts
5. Willing to work full time for a full month , if they have other jobs then it must obtain written permission from his superiors that he or dismissed from his job for a month .

       Further information can contact the secretariat of the Economic Census 2016 BPS Tangerang City ( Jl. RHM Noer Radji No. 28 Gerendeng Tangerang ) weekday hours of 08:30 to 15:30 .
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