Regional Instructor Training Updating Economic Business/Company Directory - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tangerang Municipality

BPS Service Announcement of Tangerang City "Hereby stating that we are able to provide services in accordance with the set service standards and if we do not keep our promises, we are ready to receive sanctions in accordance with applicable regulations"

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We are ready to apply bureaucratic reform by implementing an integrity zone in all aspect of our work toward a Corruption Free Area and a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Region

Regional Instructor Training Updating Economic Business/Company Directory

Regional Instructor Training Updating Economic Business/Company Directory

June 13, 2024 | BPS Activities

BPS Tangerang City took part in the Regional Instructor Training for Updating Business Directories/Economic Companies organized by BPS Banten Province from 10-13 June 2024 online. The aims of this activity include:
Updating business/company data that may not have been updated in BPS updating or survey activities;
  • Cleaning SBR data from businesses/companies that are inactive and no longer operating;
  • Complete the empty variables;
  • Eliminate data duplication.
  • Rapid economic development requires the availability of accurate and up-to-date data, so that dynamic economic changes can be monitored. BPS supports the provision of economic data through the development of the Statistical Business Register (SBR). SBR is a structured and regularly updated list of economic units in a region, which is maintained by statistical institutions for statistical purposes. In order to prepare and support the success of the 2026 Economic Census, SBR data will be used as an initial identification of the existence of businesses/companies whose existence must be checked. Based on this, it can be seen that SBR data must continuously be repaired, maintained and improved in quality. Therefore, in 2024 the SBR data will be updated again through the Updating Business Directory/Economic Company activity.

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