The percentage of poor people in Banten in March 2021 rose to 6.66 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tangerang Municipality

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The percentage of poor people in Banten in March 2021 rose to 6.66 percent

Release Date : July 15, 2021
File Size : 1.16 MB


  • The poverty rate of Banten Province as a result of the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) in March 2021 was 6.66 percent, an increase of 0.03 points compared to the previous period (September 2020) which was 6.63 percent. This is in line with the increase in population poor as many as 9.59 thousand people from 857.64 thousand people in September 2020 to 867.23 thousand people in March 2021.
  • The percentage of poor people in urban areas, which in September 2020 was 5.85 percent, rose to 5.93 percent in March 2021. Meanwhile, the percentage of poor people in rural areas in September 2020 was 8.57 percent, down to 8.49 percent in March 2021. .
  • During the period September 2020-March 2021, the number of poor people in urban areas increased by 12.81 thousand people (from 540.15 thousand people in September 2020 to 552.96 thousand people in March 2021), while in rural areas decreased by 3 ,22 thousand people (from 317.49 thousand people in September 2020 to 314.27 thousand people in March 2021).
  • The role of food commodities on the Poverty Line is much greater than the role of non-food commodities (housing, clothing, education, and health). In March 2021, the contribution of the Food Poverty Line to the Poverty Line was recorded at 72.14 percent, slightly higher than the condition in September 2020 which was 71.89 percent.
  • Types of food commodities that have a major influence on the value of the March 2021 Poverty Line in urban and rural areas are rice, filter kretek cigarettes, broiler eggs, broiled chicken meat, bread, and ground coffee & instant coffee (sachets). Meanwhile, non-food commodities are the biggest contributor to the Poverty Line in urban and rural areas, namely the cost of housing, gasoline, electricity, education and toiletries.
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